Application Security Orchestration and Correlation

Streamline your security workflows and processes
Better prioritize findings and create seamless remediation workflows

Why Application Security Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC)?

Siloed tooling and a proliferation of applications and development teams makes it hard for security teams to prioritize issues and route them to the right teams to remediate. As a result, they struggle with:

Unlocking the benefits of ASOC

The ArmorCode ASPM Platform provides a single pane of glass to automate and orchestrate AppSec and infrastructure vulnerability management workflows.
Unify findings across application, infrastructure, cloud, supply chain, and container scanners in one platform
Prioritize findings and group similar issues into comprehensive, context-rich tickets to save developer time
Automate and orchestrate workflows to ensure the right issues get to the right teams in their tools of choice
Case study

How a mid-size Fintech company set up its AppSec program from scratch with no additional hires

Leverage the power of correlation and orchestration

The AI-powered ArmorCode ASPM Platform cuts out repetitive, manual work. It lets teams create a single workflow to remediate findings and improve collaboration with developers. With ArmorCode, organizations realize:
Centralize, normalize, and correlate findings across all your security scanners to prioritize effectively
Automate repetitive tasks like ticket creation and escalation, and track SLAs across teams
Route security issues into existing developer workflows so they get fixed faster
ArmorCode's intelligent application security platform gives us unified visibility into AppSec postures and automates complex DevSecOps workflows. As a result, we are able to save significant time and effort. Additionally, the focus on growing the platform to meet our needs is a critical driver for us.
Aaron Peck
CISO, Shutterfly
ArmorCode has reduced our time to integrate with new tools and teams across the company in half. We’re now able to focus more on application security and risk mitigation than on managing our tools.
DevSecOps Lead
Fortune 50 media company
The [ArmorCode] ASPM solution has been a game changer for me! It's helped centralise data from several security sources and in turn helped to define actionable metrics, create consistent workflows in engineering, manage risk profiles and automate much of the work involved when it comes to handling security tooling data.
Kane Cutler
Head of AppSec, The Access Group
I had my “aha” moment today. Once I realized I hadn’t known how many applications & microservices were running in our environment, or how many were either not running or activated, I knew ArmorCode was going to help us transform how we executed our application security program.
Upendra Mardikar
CISO, Snap Finance
ArmorCode is becoming the conductor of our company’s product security symphony of scanning tools. Together with ArmorCode, we have the makings of a powerful security orchestra.
Senior Director, Product Security
Fortune 100 industrial controls company

Seeing is believing.
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