AppSecOps: Empowering DevSecOps and Streamlining Security Workflows

Mark Lambert
August 17, 2023
AppSecOps: Empowering DevSecOps and Streamlining Security Workflows

Due to the rapid advancement of software development methodologies, it is now essential to protect apps from vulnerabilities, elevating AppSecOps to a critical position in every organization’s strategy. We will walk through how DevSecOps and application security concepts combine with the AppSecOps approach to improve productivity, streamline security procedures, and facilitate secure software development.

What is AppSecOps?

AppSecOps aims to integrate application security practices into the DevSecOps framework. Combining security and development principles enables organizations to build secure software while maintaining development velocity.

AppSecOps harmoniously merges the domains of application security, infrastructure vulnerability management, and DevSecOps workflows. This integration fosters collaboration and creates a cohesive environment for secure software development.

Benefits of AppSecOps include increased agility, improved communication between teams, fewer vulnerabilities, and faster time to market.  Key use cases are:

  • AppSec Posture Management (ASPM): Gives you visibility into the security posture of applications, identifying potential weaknesses such as misconfigurations, insecure dependencies, and known vulnerabilities. Enables security teams to prioritize remediation efforts based on severity, potential impact, and business priorities, enhancing risk management and security posture.
  • Unified Vulnerability Management (UVM): Offers a centralized and holistic view of vulnerabilities across applications and infrastructure. It integrates data from diverse sources like static analysis, dynamic scanning, container scanning, penetration testing, and infrastructure assessments, providing a comprehensive understanding of the organization's security landscape. For example, UVM can identify vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure components such as servers, network devices, and databases. By incorporating infrastructure assessments into UVM, organizations can proactively address vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in their infrastructure, ensuring a robust security approach across their technology stack. e. Advanced analytics and machine learning techniques help identify patterns, prioritize vulnerabilities, and deliver actionable insights.
  • AppSec Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC):  ASOC automates security processes throughout the software development lifecycle, reducing manual effort and accelerating response times. ASOC seamlessly integrates with existing development workflows, enabling security teams to embed security best practices from the outset. Automating tasks like ticket creation and escalation, cross-tool correlation, and SLA tracking improves efficiency, minimizes human error, and optimizes resource utilization. ASOC also fosters collaboration between security and development teams, promoting a shared responsibility for security.

Underlying each of these use cases is support for DevSecOps culture and processes, with governance and guardrails throughout the SDLC.

As we delve deeper into the concept of AppSecOps, let's explore how the ArmorCode AppSecOps platform plays a pivotal role in delivering the benefits and use cases mentioned earlier. The ArmorCode platform brings together AppSec Posture Management (ASPM), Unified Vulnerability Management (UVM), and AppSec Orchestration and Correlation (ASOC) to empower security teams to unify their findings and create streamlined remediation workflows. By supplying real-time information, encouraging agility in dealing with security concerns, and fostering cooperation between security and development teams, the ArmorCode platform becomes a catalyst for effective decision-making, quick remediation, and efficient communication.

Streamlining Your Security Workflows with AppSecOps

AppSecOps combines application security and infrastructure vulnerability management, enabling organizations to prioritize risks effectively. By unifying and correlating security findings from across tools with business context and threat intelligence, teams can focus on critical vulnerabilities and proactively address security concerns.

Automation plays a crucial role in AppSecOps. By automating common security tasks and known workflows, organizations can eliminate manual and repetitive processes, reducing the risk of human error and optimizing resource utilization. This results in improved efficiency and faster response times.

AppSecOps encourages collaboration between security and development teams. By integrating security seamlessly into existing development workflows, organizations can embed security best practices from the beginning, enabling proactive security measures and reducing vulnerabilities.

AppSecOps Integrations

AppSecOps is built on the power of integrations. For example, the ArmorCode AppSecOps platform offers integrations with over 170 application, infrastructure, cloud, and container security tools. This extensive library ensures seamless compatibility with existing security ecosystems and enhances the effectiveness of AppSecOps workflows.

Examples of popular integrations include Checkmarx, Coverity, SonarQube, Jira, and more. These integrations allow organizations to leverage their preferred security tools while benefiting from the streamlined workflows provided by the ArmorCode platform.


AppSecOps, as a methodology, enables organizations to merge application security and DevSecOps principles, resulting in streamlined security workflows and improved efficiency in software development. The ArmorCode platform serves as a comprehensive AppSecOps solution, providing integrated capabilities, collaboration opportunities, and real-time insights.

By adopting AppSecOps practices and leveraging the ArmorCode platform, organizations can enhance agility, strengthen collaboration between security and development teams, reduce vulnerabilities, and expedite the delivery of secure applications. This holistic approach ensures security remains a priority throughout the development lifecycle.

We encourage you to explore further to experience the impact of AppSecOps and the ArmorCode platform firsthand. Schedule a demo with ArmorCode today and see how AppSecOps can improve your security posture.

Mark Lambert
Mark Lambert
Chief Product Officer
August 17, 2023
Mark Lambert
August 17, 2023
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